Foot Notes
How Shoes Make the Outfit and Tips to Prevent Foot Pain from Ruining Your Look
Fight Inflation: Try Multiuse Products for Your Feet
Inflation getting you down?
Rethinking your beauty budget?
Do you even have to rethink your beauty routine?
Nobody likes making tough choices.
Solutions for Cracked and Dry Winter Feet
Why does the skin on my feet crack and feel dry in the winter?
Winter can be hard on your feet. Yes, the skin on your feet can crack more throughout the winter months. Cracked heels and dry skin are annoying, unsightly and sometimes painful.
How an Active Grandmother Keeps Moving
As I grow older it seems that I grow busier. Expanding life experience and staying mentally engaged and physically active is a priority. My goal is to combine the curious mind of a twenty year old with the wisdom of forty years of life experience.
But, my feet hurt. I have calluses and an occasional corn. A neuroma makes each step painful.
Natural Foot Care - That Works!
Can I take care of my feet naturally?
If this sounds like you, you likely fall into one of these categories…
How to Keep Hands and Feet Clean without Drying Out
Can Apple Cider Vinegar Effectively Treat Athlete's Foot?
Is apple cider vinegar an effective treatment for athlete's foot?
It's a scrouge. Irritates you. It keeps coming back. You can't get rid of it. You're searching for a low-cost natural solution. You've done some research.