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Love Your Feet: Simple Daily Habits for Optimal Foot Health

Love Your Feet: Simple Daily Habits for Optimal Foot Health

Your feet!

You try to ignore them, dress them up with polish, or sometimes we simply resort to hiding them in our shoes and socks.

Preventive care can keep your feet healthy, comfortable and looking their best. 

Can you picture having your vehicle for 10 years and not going to ever change the oil?

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How Safe is a Salon Pedicure? 8 Essential Safety Tips

How Safe is a Salon Pedicure? 8 Essential Safety Tips

When it comes to pampering ourselves, a salon pedicure can be a delightful treat. However, ensuring that your feet remain healthy and infection-free is crucial.  Podiatric practitioners often encounter salon-related infections, which can be both viral and bacterial. To help you enjoy your pedicure safely, here are eight essential tips to minimize the risk of infections...
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Winterizing Your Feet: Essential Care for Cold Weather

Winterizing Your Feet: Essential Care for Cold Weather

As the winter season approaches with its arctic winds, snow, sleet, and ice, it's crucial to prepare your feet for the challenges ahead. "Winterizing" your feet isn't just about protection; it's about maintaining their health and comfort during the harsh cold months...
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Celebrating Special Occasions in High Heels: Less Pain-More Elegance

Celebrating Special Occasions in High Heels: Less Pain-More Elegance

Whether it's a wedding, a gala, or a night out on the town, high heels are often the go-to choice for adding a touch of glamour to any outfit. However, the allure of these stylish shoes can quickly fade when foot pain sets in.

Don't let discomfort dampen your spirits during special events...

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Is Sharing Nail Polish Sanitary? The Truth About Polish Safety

Is Sharing Nail Polish Sanitary? The Truth About Polish Safety

We're often taught that sharing is caring, but when it comes to nail polish, it's important to consider both hygiene and safety. While sharing can bring richness and closeness to our lives, there are times when it's best to maintain boundaries for our health and wellness.

The short answer to whether sharing nail polish is sanitary is: no, it's not entirely risk-free...

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True or False? Can Orthotics Change the Shape of Your Feet?

True or False? Can Orthotics Change the Shape of Your Feet?

Orthotics never change the shape of your foot or “train” your feet to function better. For a great comparison, orthotics are similar to, prescription eyeglasses. You see better only when you wear them, they don’t change your eyes or permanently fix them, and orthotics are much the same way...
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Avoid Athlete's Foot

Itchy Feet? Your Ultimate Guide to Beating Athlete's Foot7 Ways To Avoid Athlete’s Foot

If you’ve ever experienced athlete’s foot, you know how miserable it can be.

Burning, itching, and misery - ugh. It seems like once you’ve had it, you always up fighting it.

Curious if you have athlete’s foot? Here are some of the symptoms you may experience:

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The Man-i-cure: Stepping Up Men's Foot Care Game

The Man-i-cure: Stepping Up Men's Foot Care Game

Just as women are crossing cultural barriers and breaking stereotypes, men are venturing into what’s been considered the “women’s only” world of the manicure, pedicure, and nail salon.

Check out our other great products for sweat, smell and athletes!

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Could What You’re Eating  Cause You Foot Pain?

Could What You’re Eating Cause You Foot Pain?

We all know that your holiday meal can cause an upset stomach, but did you know that it can also cause foot problems?

Do you ever get pain in your big toe joint after eating a steak?

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Can Incontinence Pads Make Your Shoes and Heels More Comfortable? True or False?

Can Incontinence Pads Make Your Shoes and Heels More Comfortable? True or False?

True or False?

Can incontinence pads make your shoes and heels more comfortable?

Believe it or not, it’s TRUE!

Kind of.
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10 Essential Foot Care Tips for Air Travelers: Comfort at 30,000 Feet

10 Essential Foot Care Tips for Air Travelers: Comfort at 30,000 Feet

You’ve been planning your trip, you’re prepped and ready, but you’ve realized you have a long flight ahead of you and you might run into some issues with your feet. Airlines are making seats smaller and squishing more of us into planes, we’re bound to start feeling uncomfortable!
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CBD for Foot Pain: What You Need to Know

CBD for Foot Pain: What You Need to Know

Can CBD products work for foot pain?

While research is still limited, some studies suggest that CBD may offer potential benefits for foot pain...

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